ROAM Universe

On this page you can dive deeper into the ROAM Universe. Wanna know who SATAC is and where they came from? Wondering just what exactly happened to Pluto? Where is Valhalla and what do we know about those nifty Crusaders? Maybe you've got a desire to read up on the Fugitive?
Quick! Scroll down! Awesome awaits! Go go go go go!

Stealth Class - Ships. 
Night Stalker Class Modified Extreme Distance Howitzer
 ISV “Fugitive” (Imperial)
<Third variant of the Howitzer Class>

Commissioned by Alpha for top secret missions outside of Imperial controlled space. The Night Stalker is a combination of its two predecessors. The Howitzer and the Brunt-Type Howitzer. She features a sleek and thin hull like the original Howitzer but with the added survivability of the Brunt-Type’s Heat Displacing Ore (HDO). Where the Night Stalker differs greatly from the two is that the outer amor plating is comprised entirely of HDO. This makes the Night Stalker arguably the most formidable battleship in space. Her bow armor and armor belt are only two meters thick, whereas the Brunt-Type’s are three meters. Her dorsal, ventral, stern, keel, and deck armor are 1.2 meters (4 feet), which is a 12 inches thicker than either the Howitzer or Brunt-Types. This extensively robust armor layout significantly increases her over all tonnage, but it’s well worth the cost as survivability on its own is greatly increased. The Night Stalker is also the heaviest battleship in the Imperial Navy. With her mission requiring the vessel to be swift in the Outer Ring’s territories, the development of a whole new series of repulser drives was needed. Alpha contracted CRI-INC based on information that they had developed a superior RDS (Repulser Drive Systems) called Firely-2. These new and powerful repulsers, coupled with SATAC’s Samson “Captured Star” Powerplant, make the Night Stalker faster than either of its predecessors.

Main Armament

  •   A single SATAC Mk.6 Mass Driver.

Secondary Armament

  •  Sixteen Shredder Point Missile (SPM) Launchers
  •  Twenty Mk.7 Oerlikon 40mm Missile Defense Deployable Platforms.
  •  Eighteen Mk.2k Jameson Dual Purpose 6-inch CQD (Close Quarters Defense) Platforms.
  •  Ten 11.1-inch Dunkirk Mk.4k Anti-Ship Batteries. 

Currently the Fugitive is the only Night Stalker class vessel in existence.

Inner Ring Planets

(Inner Rig)

Earth is considered the center of the universe, only because it’s the place of human kind, and the location of the galactic ruler Caesar. Home to the feared and well respected Gladiators, Earth rules all known space within the inner and mid rings.

A good old fashioned dive bar built up in an Horde War Transport that crashed in between two sky scrapers. It's a delightful place for Mercenaries and Pilots and people looking to get shot, stabbed, or knocked down.

Pluto 2
In the year 1813 Pluto was hit by a colossal asteroid, despite the frantic efforts to defend the small planet, it was obliterated. Five years later in 1818 Caesar signed off on the “Pluto 2” project, or P2P. P2P set out to restore the lost planet but instead of rebuilding a lifeless rock, the Gladiators formed the first planet sized military installation.
P2P finished its long construction in the year 1825 and it wasn't until 1836 that Pluto 2 made its first gate jump to Valhalla. P2 stayed in Valhalla’s orbit for six months until the end of the year. On Thursday, January 2, 1837 Pluto 2; under the control of Admiral Nikolai Markov made history. Nikolai activated the mass gate driver and plunged P2 deep into unexplored space.
Pluto 2 now resides in its place of origin as a forward military outpost.

Middle Ring Planets

(Mid Rim)

Oden (Seta System’s Primary Sun)

Valhalla (Located in the Seta System)
Valhalla is the capital of the Mid-Rim and the main source of traffic, commerce and the biggest slip-gate network in the galaxy. Down on its surface is Fort Arnold. The major Gladiator ground operations mega base is second only in military might to Earth's Imperial HQ, dubbed The Two Towers.

--Breidablik (Valhalla’s Capital)
Breidablik the Capital metropolis in the Mid-Rim and was built up inside Glasir, Valhalla’s largest mountain, reaching one and a half times the size of Mount Everest. Forged up through the mountain’s center mass is the large multi-level Skyhook.

--Monterrey (Smaller town west of Breidablik)
Monterrey is a small cobblestone “Old Town” of Valhalla and the original settlement back when Earth first colonized the Seta System.
Fort Collingway
Fort Collingway is an abandon Gladiator Outpost just outside the small town of Monterrey.

Axceous is one of many imperially controlled systems dedicated to Multi-System Jump Gate Networks. It's design was to ease travel between the Mid-Rim, Outer-Rim, and Inner-Rim

Tesla (Located within the Ventus System A.K.A The Super System)
Tesla itself is an abnormal phenomenon. The planets proximity to the system's dominant star is equal to that of Venus in our solar system. The planets dimensions meet the combined size of two Earths. It surface consists of two atmosphere types. The lower region of the atmosphere is comprised of oxygen, while the upper atmosphere is a high density iron type cloud that prevents most radiation and nearly ninety percent of the sun’s heat. This unique atmosphere allows for the planet to be inhabited.

SATAC (State-of-the Art Tactics-and-Assault Contractors)

SATAC is the oldest military research, design, and development company and holds the longest active contract with the Empire. The company was founded by Donald Shepherd on October 4th, 1655 as the ESECD. (Extended Space Exploration Craft Designers) The ESECD quickly found favor with the Roman Government because of their solid craft standards, particularly their secure and reliable computer systems. In 1660, ESECD found itself at the top of the list in ship development, higher than that of more than two dozen firms competing for contracts in the same division. The most notable competitors:

  • NGSE (Next Generation Space Exploration)
  • PAE (Planetary Atmospheric Engineers.)
  • TAC (Tactics and Assault Contractors)

Donald Shepherd continued to lead the ever-growing ESECD on a one-way trip to the top. In 1670, ESECD made a hostile takeover of floundering TAC, which in turn bolstered the rising company and paved way for future successes. Shortly after the takeover, ESECD changed their name to State-of-the Art Tactics and Assault Contractors, and SATAC was born.

SATAC soon after began to develop new warship contracts with the Empire. Following great success in long range ship-based weapon platforms, SATAC turned their attention to small-arms.  In 1678, Donald Shepherd turned the company over to his son William Shepherd. William immediately set his sights high, and in 1681 SATAC became the sole contract holder with the Imperial Military small-arms division. Since then, SATAC has proven to be the best choice in high quality light vehicles, tanks, ships, freighters, warships, and fighters. SATAC remains under the direct leadership of the Shepherd family line.

Waver Tech was founded on May 29th of 1901 by Harold Shepherd, a distant cousin of William Shepherd, previous CEO of SATAC.
Harold mastered energy to matter technology and first tested it on his living room window. After several failures Harold managed to perfect the product and began selling windows and doors called Waver Tech Glass. Eventually Waver Tech grew and adopted different uses for the revolutionary technology. Now Waver Tech sells more than two million unique products based upon WT.

Celestial Relocation Initiative Industries (CRI-INC.)

CRI-INC is one of the largest civilian owned and operated outfits that specializes in the capture of asteroids, comets, and other large celestial bodies. They work in tandem with their sister organization Astro Resource Mining to collect resources and raw materials for fabrication.
CRI-INC has also gained renown for their recent breakthrough in small scale, extremely powerful repulser drives. Both in the MLD (Main Line Drive) and FMRC (Fine Maneuverability Repulser Core) propulsion systems. Most notably the advanced Firefly-2 Repulser Drive System based on a breakthrough made on GM’s (Galaxy Movers) Pluto-II. The same massive repulsers used to move the famous military installation also known as Pluto-II

Medium Craft

Crusader MWATT (Referred to as Mega-Watt)
The MWATT (Medium-Weight Assault Tactical Transport) Crusader is a prototype medium weight assault tactical transport designed to take the punishment of full combat scenarios that the LWAT couldn’t operate in. Its testing phase saw widespread usage in special operations branches. The MWATT’s most notable difference from its predecessor is the added armor plating, more powerful drive-core and the new long barreled High Velocity Vulcan artillery cannon. Due to the addition of the Vulcan H.V.A. (High Velocity Artillery) the turret was moved to the center-rear of the MWATT Crusader hull to reduce how for its long barrel reached over the nose of the craft.

­-MWATT Crusader “Dallas”
The Crusader “Dallas” is a SATAC made, specially modified Crusader owned and operated by the American mercenaries.

Crusader LWAT (Pronounced “El-Watt”) (Imperial)
The Crusader is a SATAC designed light weight assault transport. This light weight tank is equipped to hold a small team of Two Gladiators, Pilot, and Gunner.
Lightly armored and agile this vehicle is the work horse of the Gladiator ground forces. The Crusader LWAT-6 “Watt-Six” is the current model implemented today. On Earth all issued Crusaders have been painted with IPV (Imperial Patrol Vehicle) along their side

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